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私たち、Little HELP Co., Ltd. は創立以来、お客様にとっての最善を創り出すことを会社のモットーとして掲げ、広告、メディア、コーディネーションの分野において日々邁進しております

  • お客様に合った「〝伝えたい〟をカタチにする」お手伝いこそが私たちの使命です。



    私たちリトルヘルプは、日タイ両国における長年の現場経験を活かし、主に広告、メディア、コーディネーションの分野において、最善のコミュニケーションを創りだすべく努めております。そのためには、制作現場での一つ一つの積 み重ねを大事にし、粘り強く緻密に物事に取り組む姿勢が何よりも重要です。

  • We want to help each of our clients “shape” what “they want to convey”

    It has been a while since word globalization which entails that the world has become one single system regardless of countries or boundaries. Although the development of Science, Technology, Legal Systems and Infrastructure continues to support international movement of people, products, capital, and information on a day-to-day basis, we believe that complete integration of culture among each country and area might not yet be possible in the near future.

    There exists stark differences between the language, culture, living traditions and legal systems between Japan and Thailand. Especially in the creative field where thoughts and feelings need to be conveyed, it is not easy for us to overcome those differences and transcend the subjectivities. It might be easier to understand if you think of how difficult it is to explain how a certain food is delicious to people from different cultural backgrounds.

    “Little HELP” applies our many years of on-site experience from working in both Thailand and Japan, especially in advertising, media and coordination fields, to create the best possible communication. In order to achieve that, we put great importance in each and every step while stressing that working with great precision and steady efforts is of utmost significance.
    We want to help each of our clients “shape” what “they want to convey”. That is, we believe, our ultimate mission.

  • 社名 Little HELP Co., Ltd.
    設立 2008年2月
    資本金 200万バーツ
    代表者 代表取締役社長 北本崇人
    住所 229/4 Soi Sukhumvit 49, Klongtan-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
    連絡先 Tel: +66-(0)2-392-0833
    Fax: +66-(0)2-713-5958
    社名 Little HELP Production Co., Ltd. (BOI認可企業)
    設立 2014年3月
    資本金 300万バーツ
    代表者 代表取締役社長 北本崇人
    住所 229/4 Soi Sukhumvit 49, Klongtan-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
    連絡先 Tel: +66-(0)2-392-0833
    Fax: +66-(0)2-713-5958
  • Company Name Little HELP Co., Ltd.
    Established Since February 2008
    Registered Capital 2 million baht
    Representative President: Takato Kitamoto
    Address 229/4 Soi Sukhumvit 49, Klongtan-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
    Contact Details Tel: +66-(0)2-392-0833
    Fax: +66-(0)2-713-5958
    Company Name Little HELP Production Co., Ltd. (BOI Certified Company)
    Established Since March 2014
    Registered Capital 3 million baht
    Representative President: Takato Kitamoto
    Address 229/4 Soi Sukhumvit 49, Klongtan-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
    Contact Details Tel: +66 -(0)2-392-0833
    Fax: +66-(0)2-713-5958

Our Service


What we provide

私たち Little HELP のサービスは、主に4本の柱から成り立っています


日本へのインバウンドプロモーション、タイ国内での広報、 各種広告媒体への広告などを企画・制作いたします。

We deliver promotional services by utilizing all kinds of media.We plan and create everything from inbound promotion to Japan, to PR and advertisement through every media in Thailand.

    • TV・ラジオ・新聞・雑誌広告Advertising on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazine
    • 検索連動型広告、ネット広告Search Engine Advertising, Internet Advertising
    • 屋外広告、交通広告Outdoor Advertising, Transit Advertising
    • バイラルマーケティング(SNS口コミメディア)Viral Marketing (SNS Word-of-Mouth Media)
    • PR、プレスリリース、メディア招致PR, Press Release, Media Bidding


When you want to create action, manpower becomes a necessity.We can select and deliver the necessary human resources according to client’s preference.

    • タレント、俳優、モデル、
      ナレーター、声優Talent, Actor, Actress, Model, Narrator, Voice Actor/Actress
    • MC(司会)MC (Moderator)
    • コーディネーターCoordinator
    • 通訳、翻訳Interpreter, Translator
    • コンパニオン、販売促進サポートCompanion, Sales Promotion Support
COORDINATIONコミュニケーションを 円滑に


Be it from Japan to Thailand or from Thailand to Japan, there are a lot of anxieties and concerns that arise from working in remote locations. We offer overall support in conducting research, production and project management coordination in both Japan and Thailand.

    • 映像制作、雑誌取材Video Production, Magazine Interviews
    • 展示会出展、国際会議Trade Fair Exhibitions, International Seminars
    • アーティストのプロモーションArtists Promotion
    • マーケティング調査Marketing Research
    • ビジネスコーディネーションBusiness Coordination


From Video Production, Publications to Organizing Events, we support every production function that involves promotion.

    • 映像:会社案内ビデオ、プロモーションビデオ、CM、吹き替え・字幕Company Introduction Video, Promotion Video, TVC, Voice-over Service, Subtitle Service
    • グラフィック:新聞雑誌広告、チラシ、ポスター、会社案内、カタログ、POPNewspaper and Magazine Advertising, Brochure, Poster, Company Brochure, Catalogue, POP
    • イベント:工場開所式・オープンニングセレモニー、プレスリリース、展示会、商談会、インセンティブ旅行Opening Ceremony, Press Release, Trade Fairs, Incentive Tours
    • ウェブ:ウェブ制作、バナー広告Website, Banner Advertising

How to deliver


Work Flow
  • お問い合わせInquiry

    まずはお電話、メール等でお気軽にご相談ください。Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail.

  • 打ち合わせMeeting

    担当スタッフが詳しい話をお伺いいたします。広告の目的、内容、ご予算等どんなことでもご相談ください。The responsible staff will ask you for more details. Please feel free to consult us on each and every one of your concerns, may it be the purpose, content, or the budget of advertising.

  • 企画ご提案Plan Proposal

    お客様のご要望を深く掘り下げて、企画、広告戦略、制作計画などをご提案いたします。We will dig deep to understand the client’s needs and come up with a suitable plan, advertising strategy, and production plan accordingly.

  • 素材受け渡しMeterial Receiving

    企画によっては、お客様から、映像・画像・文字情報などをいただく必要があります。Depending on the plan, we might need to receive videos, photos, or written information from the client.

  • チーム編成Team Organization

    プラン実行のための様々な分野の制作スタッフを編成します。We will organize various staffs into teams in order to carry out the work according to plan.

  • お見積りQuotation

    お客様に最適なプランを、最も効率的に実現できる方法でお見積りいたします。We will estimate the cost to carry out the most suitable plan for the client in the most efficient way possible.

  • 制作Production

    企画の構成、デザインなどをご提出し、お客様の修正指示を的確に反映させながら、完成度を高めていきます。Submit the plan prodecures, designs, and adjust the plan to reflect the client’s suggestion in order to achieve higher level satisfaction.

  • 納品・本番Delivery / Production

  • 広告効果の測定Measure the Advertising Effect

    必要に応じて、PR効果の測定、メディアへのフォローなどをいたします。Measure the PR Effect, Follow up with certain media, etc.

Our Works



Movie "Hand in the Glove" Release

Anniversary Party & Video Making: Yamamori Group

Anniversary Party & Video Making: Yamamori Group

Saga Pref. Inbound Promotion Event

Saga Pref. Inbound Promotion Event

Press Conference & Party: Fujita Kanko Bangkok Branch

Press Conference & Party: Fujita Kanko Bangkok Branch

Catalogue Design: Raised Floor System

Catalogue Design: Raised Floor System

Seminar : Hitachi Monorail Seminar

Seminar : Hitachi Monorail Seminar

Exhibition Support: Urban Eatery @ K-Village

Exhibition Support: Urban Eatery @ K-Village

Seminar: Japanese Construction Technology in Thailand 2015

Seminar: Japanese Construction Technology in Thailand 2015



私の経験を日本とタイ二国間のために役立てたい、更には、広告やメディア、制作という私が切磋琢磨した場所で活 動したいという思いから、このリトルヘルプという会社を2008年に立ち上げました

  • 私とタイとの深い繋がりは、2001年4月、私が26歳の時に始まりました。ゼロから新しい事に挑戦してみたい、できることを何でも やってみよう、そんな思いがきっかけで、生まれ育った東京を離れ単身バンコクに渡りました。


    この経験を日本とタイの方々、及び二国間のために役立てたい、更には、広告やメディア、制作という私が切磋琢磨した場所で活 動したいという思いから、このリトルヘルプという会社を2008年に立ち上げました。 私たちリトルヘルプは「伝えたいを形にする」との理念の下、出会った方々全てのお役に立てるようにとの志を持って、タイでメディア、 広告、コーディネーションの事業を展開しております。


  • My deep connection with Thailand began in April 2001, when I was 26 years old. I wanted to challenge myself by starting something new from the ground up and doing everything that I possibly can. That thought sparked my move away from Tokyo, the city where I was born and raised, to Bangkok.

    The work I accidentally found myself doing then was acting. Although it was a work I never even imagined that I could do, I tried my best not just because I wanted to grow as an actor but I also wanted to understand Thai culture. Even though I started my work in TV commercials, I had the chance to participate in various fields including graphic advertising, events and TV variety programs. Although I have been through many failures and problems as a result of miscommunication or missteps in work, the support from many people helped me overcome those issues as well as gain valuable experiences through working on both Thai and Japanese grounds.

    I wish to utilize those experiences for the good of the Japanese and Thai people and the relationship between both countries and as I am determined to work in the fields of commercial, media, and production where I was able to sharpen my skills through many competitive experiences, I decided to establish my own company, “Little HELP” in 2008.
    Our “Little HELP” company operates under the philosophy of “shaping the ideas that we want to convey”. We expanded our business into media, advertising, and coordination fields in Thailand because we have a strong determination to offer help to all the people we have met so far.

    Being able to tell the stories one wants leads to happiness. We create happiness for our clients by compiling the ideas that they want to tell into shape. Then, we use our client’s happiness as the driving force to create our own happiness in work. Bearing those values in mind, we will try our best to develop our business so that we can continue our work as the lubricant that smoothens out the differences between cultures and be of help to other people.

    Last but not least, I would like to ask for your kind support and encouragement so that our companies can thrive together into the future.


Takato KitamotoManaging Director


私たち Little HELP よりのご連絡、活動報告等を掲載しております

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バンコクの制作コーディネーション会社『リトルヘルプ | Little HELP Co., Ltd.』にご関心をいただきまして、ありがとうございます。

  • p Little HELP Co., Ltd.
  • , Little Help Co., Ltd. (Head Office)
    67 N.Y.Court, 3rd Floor, Room B5, Soi Chaem Chan (Thonglor 20) Klongtan Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110
  • c (66) 02-0023511